Everyone has to start somewhere...

Everyone has to start somewhere...

Friday, May 22, 2009

memorial weekend 2009

Now going into Memorial weekend, the garden has changed a lot in the last two weeks. The pumpkins are growing nicely and the beans are ready to start climbing their trellis. The onions and garlic have continued to grow and are now quite large. The lettuce and spinach are at maturity. (I have more planted in peat pots and waiting to fill in holes in the garden) The watermelon and cantalope both have true leaves. The cucumbers are in need of a trellis sooner rather than later (we will get to that as soon as the chicken coop is done). The beats, parsnips, and carrots are all going full blown. The first wave of peas has started to flower. The potatoes continue to grow and I have just added more soil onto the mounds.

The containers on the deck have not all fully flowered yet, but you can get an idea of how it will look when the nasturtiums, petunias, strawberries, and peppers join the petunias and marigolds.

The eggplants are not doing as well, and I think that they were put out too early and it has been too wet for them. I am starting to enjoy the visual effect of interplanting, especially the color added by the flowers.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

First week of May 2009

We had planted two pear trees and five herritage rasberries along the fence. We also planted a Don Juan climbing rose and a Japanese Purple leaf honeysuckle to replace the plants that were ripped up in the construction of our new fence.

Jeremy, constructed the first of 4 pyramids for climbing beans we will be planting. For now they will be used for a spring pea crop.

Here in the containers we see pansies, strawberries, marigolds, onions and orange mint.

In the boxes you can see that the garlic is getting big as are the lettuces and spinaches interplanted with them. The onions on the other end are not far behind. The radishes next to the onions are nearly ready to harvest. Within the bed; the transplanted tomatoes, peppers, and brassicas are doing very well, but the two eggplant do not appear to be growing. Two squares of beets are doing well and so are two squares of carrots. There are marigolds, nasturtiums, and a pansy interplanted with the vegitables.

Not seen are the cucumbers, melons, and next crop of lettuce, radishes, and carrots planted in the first week of May.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Early spring 2009

So, we had made our boxes in the fall of 2008 and in January of 2009 we started tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and flowers indoors. By mid April of 2009 our garden looked like this with a lot of homemade cloches covering the more tender plants.