Everyone has to start somewhere...

Everyone has to start somewhere...

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Our family got three hens and built them a coop and enclosed run. It was a family effort, I got the materials, assembled most of the run and painted the coop. Jeremy did most of the coop building. The boys helped out enthusiastically.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Growing like a weed

Well here we are in the second (now fourth) week of June and the garden is changing faster than I can keep up with all of the changes. Our pea harvest is finally ended. I have harvested the garlic and will finish with the onions this weekend. We have almost finished with the beets and the lettuce and spinach is but a memory now. I Harvested the potatoes, because the plants died back, but we didn't get more than one meal worth.

So far we have cucumbers and squash now coming into season (delicious). The beans are going well, we have a ton of green tomatoes and tomatillos. Our eggplants, melons, and pumpkins are all flowering. The corn, carrots, and broccoli are growing. I'm not really sure how to measure the progress of the parsnips because I have never grown them before.

Next month we will start planting potatoes, brussel sprouts, broccoli, carrots, beets, and beans. Then in August we will start with lettuce and spinach for a fall harvest.